Policy & Regulations
ABC District Code of Regulations [PDF]
ABC Appendix 1 Adjustment and Credit Policy [PDF]
1-A-1 Form Residential ERU Adjustment [PDF]
1-A-2 Form Non-Residential ERU Adjustment [PDF]
1-A-3 Form Non-Residential Credit [PDF]
1-A-4 Form Petition to Appeal [PDF]
1-A-5 Form Credit Renewal [PDF]
ABC Appendix 2 Stormwater Project Ranking Criteria [PDF]
ABC Water and Storm Water District Public Records Policy [PDF]
To submit a Credit, Adjustment, or an Appeal Form via email use this address: ABCapplications123@gmail.com
To submit a Credit Renewal Form via email use this address: ABCrenewals@gmail.com
The ABC Water and Stormwater District is excited to announce a Sanitary Back-flow Assistance Program for Boardman Township Residents. This program is a supplemental program based on the Mahoning County Sanitary Engineers Program.